Our Flagship Reports

Browse through the GDPRD flagship and Annual Reports to follow the Platform’s work and highlights through the years.

Our Flagship Reports

Browse through the GDPRD flagship and Annual Reports to follow the Platform’s work and highlights through the years.

  • 27 March 2024

    This report presents the findings and recommendations of the enquiry into sustainable finance in agrifood systems conducted in 2023 by the Shamba Centre for Food & Climate for Donor Platform members. The investigation included a series of interviews which explored how donors, philanthropic organizations, public funds and blended capital funds can make their funding effective and act as an incentive for achieving SDG 2.

  • 26 June 2010

    In 2009 the Platform proved that it is delivering on its promises: through information sharing and knowledge management, it supported its members and the entire agriculture and rural development community to better respond to the steadily rising demand of growing populations for agricultural products, including food, fibre and fuel.

  • 26 May 2009

    In 2008 the Platform advocated strongly for more effective and increased investment in agriculture and rural development (ARD) to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. The Third High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (HLF3), held in Accra, in September, was a key event for Platform advocacy.