The Paris Agreement opened new windows of opportunity for food security and farming to be jointly addressed by the global community. The issue of food security was explicitly mentioned in relation to climate change and the importance of safeguarding it and ending hunger is mentioned in the preamble of the agreement. In the following chapters, commitments were also made to limit the climate warming to 1.5 degree C.

This will directly affect farmers in the tropics and the staple crops production. These commitments will still require reducing emissions from agriculture. Furthermore countries have shared their intention and willingness to work on linking agriculture and climate change. 80% of the INDCs discuss these linkages and considerable number of Least Developed Countries explains the lack of activities in this area with missing finance for adaptation and mitigation. The Paris Agreement responds to this issue by setting a commitment to developed countries to set a new collective financing goal of at least USD 100 billion per year to support developing countries. GEF and GCF will be entrusted with administering the support, although no concrete criteria for financing was agreed.

Overall the Paris Agreement creates an opportunity to coordinate actions and support countries with their implementation of the INDC in agriculture and food systems via cooperation, technical assistance and investment facilitation.


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