The agricultural ministers of the G20 agreed to promote food security, nutrition and sustainable agricultural growth and rural development. It was the first meeting since the adoption of the SDGs. In this regard the ministers agreed that agriculture is the common thread through all the goals. They also paid special attention to the growing threat from climate change and called for implementation of the COP21 agreement and the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs).
G20 calls for innovation in agricultural sector
Ministers also agreed on G20 Food security and Nutrition framework and G20 Action Plan on Food Security and Sustainable Food Systems. The two documents stress the transformational power of innovation in the way to fight extreme poverty and hunger. IFAD’s President, Kanayo Nwanze, joined the discussions on food security and promotion of agricultural growth. All the participants agreed that investing in smallholders will be the key to unlock future opportunities in the sector. The forum also recognised the importance of inclusiveness and private sector to the successful implementation of the international agenda. Germany, the host next year, reiterated the intention to build on the topic of technological solutions next year, when the meeting will be with focus on the theme “Agriculture and Water”.
Global Forum for Food and Agriculture
The G20 decisions re-enforced the outcomes from the GFFA meeting, where the participating ministers focused on ensuring food security for rural areas and urban cities, while strengthening sustainable agricultural production and supporting inclusive supply and value chains. They also called to focus on agriculture to ensure global food security, growth and implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Another area of action that was identified was the development of a stronger political, economic and social governance framework that supports vibrant rural areas.