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About Alessandro Cordova

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So far Alessandro Cordova has created 85 blog entries.

Fostering Territorial Perspective for Development


Territorial approaches are increasingly recognized as a powerful tool for improving development outcomes. This new white paper, released by a group of Platform members and partners provides an overview, discusses opportunities and calls for an international alliance to implement

Fostering Territorial Perspective for Development2022-08-22T11:46:57+02:00

2019 Global Food Policy Report


Urgent need for rural revitalization, strong policies and accountability Marked by deepening cycles of hunger and malnutrition, persistent poverty, limited economic opportunities, and environmental degradation, rural areas continue to be in a state of crisis in many parts of

2019 Global Food Policy Report2022-09-23T13:08:09+02:00

Assessing the Costs of Tenure Risks to Agribusinesses


The Quantifying Tenure Risk is a joint initiative between the Overseas Development Institute and TMP Systems to provide data and analysis to reduce land conflict and improve land governance through better informed investment decisions. The study and tool is

Assessing the Costs of Tenure Risks to Agribusinesses2022-08-22T11:52:10+02:00

African nutrition scorecard launched by the African Union Commission and African Development Bank


The African Leaders for Nutrition Initiative (ALN), a joint African Union Commission and African Development Bank (AfDB) initiative, issued a recent report indicating that despite recent gains in addressing and lowering malnutrition on the African continent, many African nations

African nutrition scorecard launched by the African Union Commission and African Development Bank2022-09-23T13:13:47+02:00

2019 G7 summit in France to tackle global inequality: agriculture discussions to take place in development ministerial meetings


Article 1 of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen states that “Men are born and remain free and equal in rights.” In paying tribute to this declaration, the increased inequality in today’s world will

2019 G7 summit in France to tackle global inequality: agriculture discussions to take place in development ministerial meetings2022-09-23T13:20:25+02:00

Towards zero hunger SDG conference in Wageningen: partnerships key to achieve impact


From 30-31 August 2018 over 700 key stakeholders from across the globe met at Wageningen University and Research to discuss their views and contributions for achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2, Zero Hunger - and to take action to achieve

Towards zero hunger SDG conference in Wageningen: partnerships key to achieve impact2022-09-23T14:39:11+02:00

Donors discuss challenges and good practices to measure success of inclusive agribusiness


On 12 June 2018, the Global Donor Platform held a roundtable in Berlin to share experiences with M&E of inclusive agribusiness and agricultural value chain interventions. Representatives from donors, implementing agencies and knowledge institutes discussed challenges and areas for

Donors discuss challenges and good practices to measure success of inclusive agribusiness2022-09-23T15:09:24+02:00

Swiss Agency is looking for proposals


The Global Programme Food Security of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) has recently opened two Calls for Proposals. The first one is about innovations in urban food systems. The second one focuses on finding solutions for

Swiss Agency is looking for proposals2022-09-23T15:17:14+02:00

Blended finance: bridging the investment gap for the SDGs


What is blended finance, can it mitigate the risk of SDG-related investments, and how to use this tool strategically to increase the development impact? These questions were discussed in the knowledge-exchange and learning session, organised in Paris jointly by

Blended finance: bridging the investment gap for the SDGs2022-08-31T10:56:52+02:00