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About Alessandro Cordova

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So far Alessandro Cordova has created 85 blog entries.

Argentina sets the focus on improving soil productivity


Buenos Aires, Argentina - January 2018 Argentina has chosen to focus on sustainable food future and pay special attention to improving soil productivity. Agricultural development is recognized an essential driver for human and economic progress in the past. The

Argentina sets the focus on improving soil productivity2022-08-31T10:50:26+02:00

Unpacking inclusive agribusiness and sustainable food systems


Geneva, Switzerland - January 2018 The recognition that businesses particularly in the agri-food sector are playing a growing role in the development of rural areas and, consequently, in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are leading many governments, international

Unpacking inclusive agribusiness and sustainable food systems2022-08-31T10:48:51+02:00

AU Summit: 1st biennial review on the status of agriculture in Africa triggers unique momentum


Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - January 2018 The release of the first CAADP Biennial Review Report on the Implementation of the 2014 Malabo Declaration on Accelerated Agricultural Growth and Transformation for Shared Prosperity and Improved Livelihoods has generated a unique

AU Summit: 1st biennial review on the status of agriculture in Africa triggers unique momentum2022-08-31T10:44:20+02:00

Former GIZ executive joins IFAD as Vice-President


Cornelia Richter, a former Managing Director and member of the Executive Committee of the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ), joined the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) as Vice-President. IFAD is a specialised agency of the United Nations,

Former GIZ executive joins IFAD as Vice-President2022-08-31T10:41:57+02:00

Focus areas on the way to sustainable rural development


Maputo, Mozambique - January 2018 The seminar organised by the Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development Unit C1 and the EU delegation to Mozambique back in November in 2017 provided a forum for intense and productive thematic and

Focus areas on the way to sustainable rural development2022-08-31T10:41:05+02:00

Strong markets, sustainable resource use and effective policy at the centre of agricultural aid


Agriculture has a prominent place in the New Australia Foreign Policy White Paper 2017. The document recognises the rising pressure on the agricultural products supply, directly linking it to the Asian economic growth, urbanisation and expanding middle class. Building

Strong markets, sustainable resource use and effective policy at the centre of agricultural aid2022-08-30T16:13:47+02:00

Rural youth employment – bridging the gap between transformation and urbanisation


Rome, Italy - October 2017 The event "Rural youth employment and entrepreneurship for food security and nutrition", organised by the European Commission and BMZ focused on the importance of rural youth employment for development and nutrition and food security.

Rural youth employment – bridging the gap between transformation and urbanisation2022-08-31T10:36:29+02:00