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About Alessandro Cordova

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So far Alessandro Cordova has created 85 blog entries.

The new European consensus on development


Brussels, Belgium - June 2017 The new strategy is the most important measure for the implementation of the Agenda2030 in the European development policy. Originally first published in 2005, the document sets the framework for international cooperation work of

The new European consensus on development2022-08-31T10:17:57+02:00

Platform members prepare to tackle the issue of climate resilient agriculture


Rome, Italy - 12-16 June 2017 The mission of the secretariat to Rome on programmatic and institutional developments was built around the Steering Committee meeting of the Global Alliance for Climate-smart Agriculture (GACSA) with interesting results on IFAD and

Platform members prepare to tackle the issue of climate resilient agriculture2022-08-31T10:11:48+02:00

The future of the rural world conference in Berlin


Berlin, Germany - 27-28 April 2017 The topic of rural youth has been a longstanding thematic area of the Platform under the theme “Gender and youth”. Recognising that different marginalised groups face different experiences and are uniquely disadvantaged, the

The future of the rural world conference in Berlin2022-08-31T10:07:08+02:00