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About Michelle Tang

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So far Michelle Tang has created 333 blog entries.

Addressing the Impacts of the War in Ukraine on 3F (Food, Fuel, Fertilizer) Prices for Rural Small-Scale Producers


The Global Donor Platform for Rural Development (GDPRD) co-organized a virtual round table with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the European Commission (EC) on “Addressing the Impacts of the War in Ukraine on 3F (Food, Fuel,

Addressing the Impacts of the War in Ukraine on 3F (Food, Fuel, Fertilizer) Prices for Rural Small-Scale Producers2022-09-26T14:24:47+02:00

Green Jobs for Rural Youth in Agri-Food Systems


The Thematic Working Group on Rural Youth Employment (TWG RYE) has recently been exploring the topic of green jobs for youth. This ongoing conversation led to a webinar “Green Jobs for Rural Youth in Agri-food Systems”, which took place on

Green Jobs for Rural Youth in Agri-Food Systems2022-09-05T18:42:06+02:00

FAO Project: Green Jobs for Rural Youth Employment


The KOICA-funded Green Jobs for Rural Youth Employment project (GJ4RYE) relies on and implement an approach aiming at fostering green jobs for rural youth through green entrepreneurship and waged employment (via the setup of Public Employment Programmes (PEP)).

FAO Project: Green Jobs for Rural Youth Employment2022-09-26T11:22:10+02:00

Guide on Measuring Decent Jobs for Youth: Monitoring, evaluation and learning in labour market programmes


With this guide, the aim is to equip readers with the basic set of concepts and tools needed to make informed decisions about how best to measure and evaluate the results of youth employment interventions. The entire life cycle

Guide on Measuring Decent Jobs for Youth: Monitoring, evaluation and learning in labour market programmes2022-09-01T15:51:53+02:00

Youth and agriculture: Key Challenges and Concrete Solutions


In recognition of the agricultural sector’s potential to serve as a source of livelihood opportunities for rural youth, a joint MIJARC/FAO/IFAD project on Facilitating Access of Rural Youth to Agricultural Activities was carried out in 2011 to assess the

Youth and agriculture: Key Challenges and Concrete Solutions2022-09-30T18:01:49+02:00

The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2022


Gender inequalities are woven through food systems, and contribute to unjust food production, access and consumption. Globally, the gap between men’s and women’s hunger has widened with food insecurity now affecting 150 million more women than men.

The Sustainable Development Goals Report 20222023-04-12T11:10:30+02:00