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About Michelle Tang

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So far Michelle Tang has created 333 blog entries.

Transforming Food Systems: Directions for Enhancing the Catalytic Role of Donors


In April 2022, the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development released a white paper to provide global donors with options to transform our food systems, to make them more resilient and sustainable. Global donors have a critical leveraging role in catalysing food systems change and this paper attempts to provide clear directions, under seven action areas to focus their attention and efforts.

Transforming Food Systems: Directions for Enhancing the Catalytic Role of Donors2023-09-07T13:19:59+02:00

CFS Process on Youth Engagement and Employment


Links Throughout 2022, the Thematic Working Group on Rural Youth Employment (TWG RYE) will be following the policy convergence process towards the development of policy recommendations in the Committee of World Food

CFS Process on Youth Engagement and Employment2022-10-04T14:42:53+02:00

Podcast | Tristan Armstrong


In our first segment, we hear from our Platform Co-Chair Tristan Armstrong, who is Senior Sector Specialist of Agricultural Development and Food Security, at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Australia. Tristan shares his first-hand experience on the impacts of climate change in the Pacific Islands and at home in Canberra, and the Platform as a unique space for key donors to advocate for collective action in the food security agenda.

Podcast | Tristan Armstrong2024-03-04T12:32:13+01:00

OECD: ODA Levels in 2021- Preliminary data Detailed Summary Note


The global environment for official development assistance (ODA) to agriculture remains a challenge. Data indicate that ODA from OECD Development Assistance Committee countries increased in real terms to reach an all-time high in 2021, with indications of a growing share of funding provided through multilateral channels.

OECD: ODA Levels in 2021- Preliminary data Detailed Summary Note2022-10-27T15:06:39+02:00

Global Donor Platform Annual Report 2021


2021 was an eventful year for the Platform, both at an operational level within the Secretariat and with external engagement. The Platform created a new Strategic Plan for the 2021–2025 period and a results-based work plan for the year.

Global Donor Platform Annual Report 20212023-09-07T13:21:04+02:00