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About Michelle Tang

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So far Michelle Tang has created 333 blog entries.

Supporting Country-Level Food Systems Transformation Pathways: What Can Donors Do Differently?


A virtual round table that explored the actions donors can take to assist countries in their national pathways for food systems transformation. The event followed Chatham House rules and provided an open discussion on the opportunities and challenges for donors in helping to catalyse food systems change.

Supporting Country-Level Food Systems Transformation Pathways: What Can Donors Do Differently?2022-09-30T17:49:21+02:00

Jobs for Rural Youth: The Role of Local Food Economies


Young people in rural areas face the double challenge of age-specific vulnerabilities and underdevelopment of rural areas. While agriculture absorbs the majority of rural workers in developing countries, low pay and poor working conditions make it difficult to sustain

Jobs for Rural Youth: The Role of Local Food Economies2022-09-30T10:55:26+02:00

OECD, Development in Agricultural Policy and Support


This Agricultural Policy Monitoring and Evaluation 2021 report provides up-to-date monitoring and evaluation of agricultural policies across countries from all six continents, including the 38 OECD countries and the five non-OECD EU Member States, and eleven emerging and developing

OECD, Development in Agricultural Policy and Support2022-10-04T14:58:24+02:00