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So far Michelle Tang has created 368 blog entries.

OECD: ODA Levels in 2021- Preliminary data Detailed Summary Note


The global environment for official development assistance (ODA) to agriculture remains a challenge. Data indicate that ODA from OECD Development Assistance Committee countries increased in real terms to reach an all-time high in 2021, with indications of a growing share of funding provided through multilateral channels.

OECD: ODA Levels in 2021- Preliminary data Detailed Summary Note2022-10-27T15:06:39+02:00

Global Donor Platform Annual Report 2021


2021 was an eventful year for the Platform, both at an operational level within the Secretariat and with external engagement. The Platform created a new Strategic Plan for the 2021–2025 period and a results-based work plan for the year.

Global Donor Platform Annual Report 20212024-07-25T17:08:26+02:00

A Multi-Billion-Dollar Opportunity: Repurposing Agricultural Support to Transform Food Systems


This joint FAO-UNDP-UNEP report calls for governments to rethink the way agriculture is subsidized and supported. The majority (87%) of $540 billion of support to agricultural producers is either price distorting or harmful to nature and health. Repurposing this

A Multi-Billion-Dollar Opportunity: Repurposing Agricultural Support to Transform Food Systems2022-09-23T13:08:50+02:00

FAO Report: Youth Sensitive Value Chain Analysis


This Youth-sensitive value chain analysis and development guide provides the background information and guidance needed by practitioners for selecting an agricultural value chain with significant potential for youth employment and entrepreneurship and offers tools to conduct context-specific youth employment

FAO Report: Youth Sensitive Value Chain Analysis2022-09-23T13:03:03+02:00

Policy Brief: Achieving the G7 Elmau Commitment in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Climate Change


This Ceres 2030 paper provides policy options for what the G7 can do based on the evidence and research consensus on how much and what action to take—and where to take it—to achieve the Elmau commitment by 2030, while

Policy Brief: Achieving the G7 Elmau Commitment in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Climate Change2022-09-23T11:51:43+02:00

The Importance of Ukraine and the Russian Federation for Global Agricultural Markets and the Risks Associated with the Current Conflict


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Information Note Links The Russian Federation and Ukraine are among the most important producers of agricultural commodities in the

The Importance of Ukraine and the Russian Federation for Global Agricultural Markets and the Risks Associated with the Current Conflict2022-10-04T14:47:54+02:00