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About Michelle Tang

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So far Michelle Tang has created 333 blog entries.

Independent Dialogue: African Youth as Drivers for Decent Job Creation in Sustainable Food Systems


On 30 June 2021, the Thematic Working Group (TWG) on Rural Youth Employment (RYE) organised an Independent Dialogue to the United Nation Food System Summit (UNFSS). The event was centred around two game-changing solutions proposed to the UNFSS by

Independent Dialogue: African Youth as Drivers for Decent Job Creation in Sustainable Food Systems2022-08-26T12:24:22+02:00

Towards More Inclusive Pathways of Structural Transformation for a Brighter Future of Work for Youth In Rural Areas (Webinar)


On 30 June 2021, the Thematic Working Group (TWG) on Rural Youth Employment (RYE) organised an Independent Dialogue to the United Nation Food System Summit (UNFSS). The event was centred around two game-changing solutions proposed to the UNFSS by

Towards More Inclusive Pathways of Structural Transformation for a Brighter Future of Work for Youth In Rural Areas (Webinar)2022-08-31T11:47:03+02:00

Foreign Ministry of Finland: Report on Development Policy Extending Across Parliamentary Terms


The Report on Development Policy sets out the activities and objectives for Finland’s development policy and development cooperation. The purpose is to strengthen Finland’s long-term approach to development policy and development cooperation from the perspective of principles, values and

Foreign Ministry of Finland: Report on Development Policy Extending Across Parliamentary Terms2022-09-23T13:37:48+02:00