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About Michelle Tang

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So far Michelle Tang has created 333 blog entries.

Implementing EU Food and Nutrition Security Policy Commitments: Fourth Biennial Report


This is the fourth report highlighting progress made by the EU and its Member States towards implementing their common policy commitments on food and nutrition security. It is accompanied by a Commission staff working document (SWD) with further information

Implementing EU Food and Nutrition Security Policy Commitments: Fourth Biennial Report2022-09-23T13:47:46+02:00

Youth, Women and Market Systems Development In Agriculture And Supporting Markets


Effective market systems development requires equitable participation and benefits for men, women, and male and female youth. A market systems development approach targets the root causes of poor market systems performance and enables market actors to achieve inclusive growth.

Youth, Women and Market Systems Development In Agriculture And Supporting Markets2022-09-13T09:09:21+02:00