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About Michelle Tang

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So far Michelle Tang has created 333 blog entries.

COVID-19 and Global Food Security Implications


As the lockdowns continue worldwide and the commentaries on food security and COVID-19 start to come in, the Ceres 2030 initiative held an online reflection on the implications of the COVID -19 pandemic on global food security on 7

COVID-19 and Global Food Security Implications2022-09-23T12:08:30+02:00

New Platform Study Report: Insights Into Youth Networks Working Around Agriculture and Rural Development in Africa


Young people have the potential to play an important role in achieving effective rural transformation, not only are their numbers increasing but young people are problem solvers and innovators who work to develop solutions to even the most complex

New Platform Study Report: Insights Into Youth Networks Working Around Agriculture and Rural Development in Africa2022-09-23T14:38:50+02:00

Ceres2030: What Works To End Hunger?


A dialogue with development practitioners on Ceres2030’s eight evidence syntheses aimed at identifying the best interventions and entry points to achieve SDG2 and a deep dive in the economic costing model to estimate how much it will cost.

Ceres2030: What Works To End Hunger?2022-09-23T12:10:55+02:00

Finland’s Development Policy Results Report 2018


This comprehensive results report published by the ministry of Foreign Affairs Finland, describes how Finland has succeeded in its work in promoting global development goals for the past few years and presents the results of Finland’s development policy and

Finland’s Development Policy Results Report 20182022-09-23T14:45:03+02:00

School Meals for All – A Case Study of Finland


The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and Finnish National Agency for Education recently published a study of their social innovation programme, “School Feeding: Investment in Effective Learning”. The objective of this review was to provide a detailed example

School Meals for All – A Case Study of Finland2022-09-23T14:50:51+02:00

Second Biennial Review Report of the African Union Commission on the Implementation of the Malabo Declaration


Second Biennial Review Report of the African Union Commission on the Implementation of the Malabo Declaration on Accelerated Agricultural Growth and Transformation for Shared Prosperity and Improved Livelihoods Links

Second Biennial Review Report of the African Union Commission on the Implementation of the Malabo Declaration2022-09-23T14:55:23+02:00