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About Michelle Tang

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So far Michelle Tang has created 333 blog entries.

Ceres2030: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Policy-making


Ceres2030 has the ambitious goal of achieving a global consensus on the most effective ways to sustainably end hunger. In order to do this, the joint initiative by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), Cornell University, and the

Ceres2030: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Policy-making2022-09-23T11:42:54+02:00

Global Landscapes Forum 2018: Young People Are Key to Landscape Restoration


On 1-2 December 2018, more than 1,000 representatives of government, international, non-governmental and indigenous organizations, activists, finance, private sector, youth, scientists and media came together in Bonn, Germany at the occasion of the Global Landscape Forum (GLF), to connect,

Global Landscapes Forum 2018: Young People Are Key to Landscape Restoration2022-09-23T13:31:57+02:00

Working Towards Food Security, Moving Away from Silo-Thinking


The focus of attention at the Committee of Food Security is naturally on food security and nutrition, which under the Agenda 2030 is addressed in the Sustainable Development Goal, SDG2 – Zero Hunger. However, world leaders at CFS increasingly

Working Towards Food Security, Moving Away from Silo-Thinking2022-09-23T13:44:35+02:00

Far More Than a Buzz Word: Agroecology is Gaining Momentum on the International Agenda


A transformation of agriculture and food systems has become paramount in the face of the world's rapidly deteriorating natural resources. If strategically planned, agroecological agriculture and food system practices, together with the policies that support them, have good potential

Far More Than a Buzz Word: Agroecology is Gaining Momentum on the International Agenda2022-09-23T13:53:01+02:00

More Data, Better Governance of Land Tenure?


Significant steps have been taken to prioritize land tenure security not only in global policy frameworks but also in implementation plans. A side event at CFS45, organised by the Global Donor Working Group on Land together with other key

More Data, Better Governance of Land Tenure?2022-09-05T10:37:48+02:00