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About Michelle Tang

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So far Michelle Tang has created 333 blog entries.

Opportunities for the Rural Youth Agenda


Youth account for one out of every six people worldwide. About 10 – 12 million jobs need to be created and/or supported per year until 2035 in Africa alone and millions of young people are bound to engage in

Opportunities for the Rural Youth Agenda2022-09-05T10:52:37+02:00

Ceres2030: Sustainable Solutions to End Hunger


What is the most effective way to end hunger sustainably? And what would it cost? These two questions are central to a new initiative: Ceres2030 aims at giving answers to the fundamental endeavour to evaluate the benefits, costs and

Ceres2030: Sustainable Solutions to End Hunger2022-09-23T14:22:00+02:00

Global Hunger Index 2018 – Increased Efforts and Innovative Approaches Needed to Achieve SDG2


The 2018 Global Hunger Index (GHI) reveals a disquieting gap between actual progress in combating hunger and malnutrition and those factors needed to address them and further alleviate human suffering. The GHI, jointly published by Concern Worldwide and Welthungerhilfe,

Global Hunger Index 2018 – Increased Efforts and Innovative Approaches Needed to Achieve SDG22022-08-30T13:12:53+02:00

Lead, Measure, Grow. The Africa Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) 2018


Kigali | Rwanda | September 2018 Leaders from government, business, research and development spheres came together from 4 - 8 September 2018 to discuss sustainable agricultural and economic growth across the African continent, at the 8th African Green Revolution

Lead, Measure, Grow. The Africa Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) 20182022-09-23T14:30:35+02:00

Compendium: Donor Engagement with Rural Youth


In preparation to the Annual General Assembly 2018 “Young and ready to move – empowering the new generation in the rural space”, the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development commissioned a compendium “Donor engagement with rural youth”. The publication

Compendium: Donor Engagement with Rural Youth2022-09-01T15:46:47+02:00