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About Michelle Tang

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So far Michelle Tang has created 333 blog entries.

OECD Report: Agriculture, Food and Jobs in West Africa


The food economy is the biggest employer in West Africa accounting for 66% of total employment. While the majority of food economy jobs are in agriculture, off-farm employment in food-related manufacturing and service activities is increasing as the food

OECD Report: Agriculture, Food and Jobs in West Africa2022-09-30T10:54:17+02:00

Characteristics of Successful Model for Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships to improve Land Governance in Developing Countries


Strategic alliances between business, government and civil society are a growing feature of both developed and emerging economies. Download Strategic alliances between business, government and civil society are

Characteristics of Successful Model for Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships to improve Land Governance in Developing Countries2022-08-26T10:38:26+02:00

Effective approaches to strengthen coherence across individual donor governments regarding responsible land governance


A study on strategies, approaches, and case studies in which bilateral donor agencies of developed countries have engaged successfully with the relevant agencies and departments across their own governments to drive a coherent approach toward improved land governance in

Effective approaches to strengthen coherence across individual donor governments regarding responsible land governance2022-08-26T10:21:21+02:00