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About Michelle Tang

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So far Michelle Tang has created 333 blog entries.

Advancing Regional Agro-Food Value Chains in Africa


Development Partners Perspectives Regional integration and agro-food value chains are a priority for African countries. Back to back with the 12th CAADP partnership platform, the African Union, Global Affairs Canada and UNDP convened an experience sharing

Advancing Regional Agro-Food Value Chains in Africa2022-08-17T16:12:34+02:00

Financing to Catalyse Private Sector Investments in Climate-Smart Agriculture


The Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) recently launched an initiative Climate-Smart Agriculture Fund for Latin America and the Caribbean (CSAF) to facilitate finance while promoting climate resilience, sustainable agriculture and development across the region. Its main goal

Financing to Catalyse Private Sector Investments in Climate-Smart Agriculture2022-08-17T16:13:45+02:00

Inclusive Development in Africa – The Role of Rural Transformation


The rapidly growing population in Africa and the expectations that urban population will rapidly increase, give even bigger importance to opening new opportunities for agriculture and the economic development of rural areas. At the expert meeting Rural and Regional

Inclusive Development in Africa – The Role of Rural Transformation2022-08-30T15:47:16+02:00

Setting Donors Priorities to Improve Global Land Governance


Washington D.C. | USA | 26 March 2016 Land experts, donor representatives and around 40 conference participants discussed the potential of latest best practices and technologies for up-scaling good land governance through major donors’ investments. By doing so, donors

Setting Donors Priorities to Improve Global Land Governance2022-08-30T14:40:30+02:00

Institutional Changes in Response to the New Development Agenda


Two of the members of the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development underwent institutional changes in response to the new challenges of development cooperation. Both new establishments aim to strengthen policy coherence and coordination of all related development cooperation

Institutional Changes in Response to the New Development Agenda2022-08-30T14:43:53+02:00

COP 21 – The Future of Agriculture and Food Security


The Paris Agreement opened new windows of opportunity for food security and farming to be jointly addressed by the global community. The issue of food security was explicitly mentioned in relation to climate change and the importance of safeguarding

COP 21 – The Future of Agriculture and Food Security2022-08-26T17:28:54+02:00