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About Michelle Tang

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So far Michelle Tang has created 333 blog entries.

Podcast | Special Edition dedicated to the Global Donor Platform


"Putting our Money Where our Mouth is" has an impressive line-up of influential voices, starting with IFAD's new President Alvaro Lario and Associate Vice-President Satu Santala, Platform Co-Chairs Tristan Armstrong, Conrad Rein and Secretariat Coordinator Maurizio Navarra, and Willem Olthof, Ammad Bahalim and Carin Smaller.

Podcast | Special Edition dedicated to the Global Donor Platform2024-03-04T12:24:01+01:00

ILO Employment Policy Gateway


The Knowledge platform on country-level employment policies and youth employment strategies Links This platform – the only one of its kind – serves as a

ILO Employment Policy Gateway2023-04-12T11:05:27+02:00

African Youth Agripreneurs (AYA) Platform


The African Youth Agripreneurs (AYA) platform is an online community designed to enable networking, learning and sharing for individual young agripreneurs and rural youth organizations. It is is supported by FAO and was launched in August 2021 in collaboration

African Youth Agripreneurs (AYA) Platform2023-04-12T11:07:23+02:00

Ready to go digital? Assessing the digital readiness of young agripreneurs in East Africa


Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)’s Integrated Country Approach for boosting decent jobs for youth in agrifood systems carried out a digital readiness assessment of youth in agribusiness in partnership with the Eastern Africa Farmers Federation and youth-led organizations in

Ready to go digital? Assessing the digital readiness of young agripreneurs in East Africa2023-04-12T11:07:31+02:00

Shifting paradigms and building resilience in the time of crisis


Meet our GDPRD Board Member Sebastian Lesch of BMZ. What does it take to truly shift the paradigm on food systems? Why are short- and long-term responses important to tackling current and future global crises? Sebastian Lesch, newly appointed Head of Agriculture at BMZ, answers these difficult questions and more, and explains how Germany welcomes all hands on deck for collaborative donor action.

Shifting paradigms and building resilience in the time of crisis2023-09-05T08:23:59+02:00

Podcast | Nadine Gbossa & Dede Ekoue


In our fifth segment, the Platform talks to Nadine Gbossa, Director, Food Systems Coordination, IFAD; Chief, Means of Implementation, UN Food Systems Coordination Hub, and Dede Ekoue, Country Director of Nigeria, IFAD.

Podcast | Nadine Gbossa & Dede Ekoue2024-03-04T12:24:42+01:00

Agriculture and rural development aid through the eyes of a Swedish climate-change scientist


A conversation with GDPRD member Elisabeth Simelton, Senior Policy Specialist at Sida. Elisabeth’s scientific background, experience in the field and growing up on a farm imparts an on-the-ground perspective to donor funding in food security and transforming food systems. She shares concrete examples of what works and a future vision for our small-scale farmers and younger generation.

Agriculture and rural development aid through the eyes of a Swedish climate-change scientist2023-09-05T08:24:34+02:00