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About Sierra Berardelli

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So far Sierra Berardelli has created 66 blog entries.

Co-ordination across the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus


This paper provides a detailed analysis of co-ordination amongst organisations engaging in fragile and conflict-affected contexts. Exploring a spectrum of co-ordination approaches, this paper aims to inform policy discussions with a renewed attention on development effectiveness and coherent approaches.

Co-ordination across the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus2024-01-19T15:13:23+01:00

The Development, Climate, and Nature Crisis: Solutions to End Poverty on a Livable Planet


To support the alignment of sustainable development priorities and actions with climate change risks and objectives, the World Bank launched the Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR) in 2022. This core diagnostic tool aims to help countries prioritize the most impactful actions to boost resilience and adaptation and reduce GHG emissions, while delivering on broader development and sustainability objectives.

The Development, Climate, and Nature Crisis: Solutions to End Poverty on a Livable Planet2024-01-19T15:13:55+01:00