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About Sierra Berardelli

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So far Sierra Berardelli has created 63 blog entries.

What is the Future for youth in Africa’s Agri-Food Systems? A Foresight Analysis


Most of Africa’s youth work in agri-food systems. They are involved in production, transport, trading, processing, retail, and food services. Some are farmers, others are micro and small-scale entrepreneurs, and some are employed by larger scale enterprises. Looking ahead to 2050, the analysis explored the key trends and uncertainties that will shape opportunities and risks for youth in Africa’s agri-food systems over the next three decades.

What is the Future for youth in Africa’s Agri-Food Systems? A Foresight Analysis2023-12-13T12:34:43+01:00

The State of Food and Agriculture 2023


This year's edition looks into the true cost of food for sustainable agrifood systems. The report introduces the concept of hidden environmental, health and social costs and benefits of agrifood systems and proposes an approach – true cost accounting (TCA) – to assess them.

The State of Food and Agriculture 20232023-11-06T15:01:44+01:00