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About Sierra Berardelli

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So far Sierra Berardelli has created 66 blog entries.

Policy Brief: Private sector and food security


The global community is facing escalating acute food insecurity crises, predominantly in SubSaharan Africa, due to climate change, the Russia–Ukraine conflict, and COVID-19 shocks. Related impacts on donor government budgets, domestic conflicts and limited fiscal capacity in countries already

Policy Brief: Private sector and food security2023-08-11T13:59:59+02:00

The Human Costs of the Food Crisis: How Price Spikes are Wreaking Havoc Across the Globe


The cost of food, fuel, and fertilizer in some of the world’s most vulnerable communities is continuing to escalate to crisis levels since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, with families spending up to ten times what they paid almost 16

The Human Costs of the Food Crisis: How Price Spikes are Wreaking Havoc Across the Globe2023-11-03T10:09:53+01:00

Podcast | Jo Puri


In our latest segment, GDPRD Secretariat Coordinator Maurizio Navarra interviews Jo Puri, Associate Vice-President of Strategy and Knowledge Department at IFAD. Jo highlights the ethical imperative of using good data to inform decisions, emphasizing its role in understanding trade-offs and optimizing investments.

Podcast | Jo Puri2024-03-04T12:16:16+01:00

Global Donor Platform Annual Report 2022


2022 was an extraordinary year for the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development, with a focus on transforming food systems in times of crisis, and shifting from strategy to implementation. This annual report details many of the achievements with a lens towards 2023.

Global Donor Platform Annual Report 20222024-07-25T17:03:25+02:00

IFAD Annual Report 2022


2022 was a year in which the world dealt with multiple crises – among them conflict, climate change and the ongoing effects of the pandemic. Links But

IFAD Annual Report 20222023-08-09T14:52:15+02:00

Reducing inequalities for food security and nutrition


This report has been produced by the HLPE-FSN at the request from the CFS to analyse quantitative and qualitative evidence regarding how inequalities within food systems impede opportunities to overcome food insecurity and malnutrition. The report seeks to identify

Reducing inequalities for food security and nutrition2023-09-28T15:57:36+02:00

Podcast | Nikita Eriksen-Hamel


Nikita Eriksen-Hamel, Deputy Director of Agriculture and Food Systems for Global Affairs Canada, details the importance of a farming system that is both sustainable and capable of keeping up with our population growth. He highlights the need for donors to keep small-scale farmers in mind, as they are key to the wider development landscape. Nikita has been active in the Global Donor Platform for many years, and joins us from Ottawa, Canada.

Podcast | Nikita Eriksen-Hamel2024-03-04T12:21:34+01:00