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Platform Topic: About the Platform work and products

New Donor Platform Co-Chair for the Term 2024-26


The GDPRD Secretariat is pleased to introduce Federica de Gaetano of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) as our new Co-Chair effective 29 May 2024. She joins Bruce Campbell of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in chairing the Donor Platform Board.

New Donor Platform Co-Chair for the Term 2024-262024-07-09T16:47:55+02:00

New Donor Platform Co-Chairs for the Term 2024-26


The GDPRD Secretariat is delighted to introduce our new Co-Chairs Iris Krebber, Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) – United Kingdom, and Bruce Campbell, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) - Switzerland. Their two-year term started on 1 January 2024.

New Donor Platform Co-Chairs for the Term 2024-262024-02-08T16:35:42+01:00

Building resilience to safeguard our most vulnerable


Nikita Eriksen-Hamel is the Deputy Director of Agriculture and Food Systems for Global Affairs Canada, and a long-time member of the Donor Platform. He provides an overview of Canada’s development priorities as well as concrete examples of donor coordination at global and national levels.

Building resilience to safeguard our most vulnerable2024-02-09T15:43:52+01:00

Ireland joins the Donor Platform Board


Please join us in welcoming Ireland to the Board of the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development. Membership is through Irish Aid, held under Ireland’s Department of Foreign Affairs and with Patrick McManus as their representative.

Ireland joins the Donor Platform Board2023-06-01T13:36:42+02:00

Decent employment and a voice at the table for our rural youth


Meet Elisenda Estruch Puertas, Rural Economy Specialist at the International Labour Organization (ILO), and the new Co-Chair of the Platform’s Rural Youth Employment Thematic Working Group. She shares her hopes and vision for her new role as Co-Chair of the group, and how she plans to contribute to ILO’s focus on employment, decent work, social dialogue, and social justice around the issues of rural youth.

Decent employment and a voice at the table for our rural youth2023-09-05T08:21:59+02:00

Keeping the humanitarian-development-peace nexus at centre stage


Agriculture and food security remain high on Switzerland’s development priorities. Cooperation is key to balancing emergency assistance with building long-term resilience, both crucial to ensure people’s livelihoods are never at stake. Meet our GDPRD Board member Bruce Campbell of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

Keeping the humanitarian-development-peace nexus at centre stage2024-04-22T14:51:16+02:00

Shifting paradigms and building resilience in the time of crisis


Meet our GDPRD Board Member Sebastian Lesch of BMZ. What does it take to truly shift the paradigm on food systems? Why are short- and long-term responses important to tackling current and future global crises? Sebastian Lesch, newly appointed Head of Agriculture at BMZ, answers these difficult questions and more, and explains how Germany welcomes all hands on deck for collaborative donor action.

Shifting paradigms and building resilience in the time of crisis2023-09-05T08:23:59+02:00

Agriculture and rural development aid through the eyes of a Swedish climate-change scientist


A conversation with GDPRD member Elisabeth Simelton, Senior Policy Specialist at Sida. Elisabeth’s scientific background, experience in the field and growing up on a farm imparts an on-the-ground perspective to donor funding in food security and transforming food systems. She shares concrete examples of what works and a future vision for our small-scale farmers and younger generation.

Agriculture and rural development aid through the eyes of a Swedish climate-change scientist2023-09-05T08:24:34+02:00

A Conversation with Tristan Armstrong, GDPRD Co-Chair


The Secretariat spoke with both co-chairs ahead of this week’s Senior Managers’ Meeting and the High-Level Food Systems event. Tristan Armstrong Senior Sector Specialist, Agricultural Development and Food Security, Department of

A Conversation with Tristan Armstrong, GDPRD Co-Chair2023-09-05T12:03:45+02:00