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Development Innovation Lab at UChicago Launches Innovation Commission for Climate Change, Food Security and Agriculture


This Land Records and Transaction System Assessment and Design Toolkit is intended for practitioners in both the public and private sectors to identify optimal technology approaches for strengthened land administration.

Development Innovation Lab at UChicago Launches Innovation Commission for Climate Change, Food Security and Agriculture2023-08-11T14:57:15+02:00

Land Records and Transaction Systems Technology Toolkit


This Land Records and Transaction System Assessment and Design Toolkit is intended for practitioners in both the public and private sectors to identify optimal technology approaches for strengthened land administration.

Land Records and Transaction Systems Technology Toolkit2023-08-11T14:27:27+02:00

2022 Land Portal Annual Report


The Land Portal Foundation's 2022 Annual Report highlights the critical role of accessible land information and data in securing land rights and promoting social justice. Links The Land Portal

2022 Land Portal Annual Report2023-08-30T10:00:09+02:00