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AGA 2022 Interviews: Agnes Kalibata (AGRA)


Short interviews by the Platform Secretariat during the 2022 Annual General Assembly in Rome, Italy. Five experts talk about national pathways for food systems transformation, the current global food crisis response, and what they want small-scale farmers and

AGA 2022 Interviews: Agnes Kalibata (AGRA)2023-09-04T18:11:22+02:00

AGA 2022 Interviews: Johan Swinnen (CGIAR)


Short interviews by the Platform Secretariat during the 2022 Annual General Assembly in Rome, Italy. Five experts talk about national pathways for food systems transformation, the current global food crisis response, and what they want small-scale farmers and

AGA 2022 Interviews: Johan Swinnen (CGIAR)2023-09-04T18:07:15+02:00

AGA 2022 Interviews: Ayodeji Balogun (AFEX Commodities Exchange)


Short interviews by the Platform Secretariat during the 2022 Annual General Assembly in Rome, Italy. Five experts talk about national pathways for food systems transformation, the current global food crisis response, and what they want small-scale farmers and

AGA 2022 Interviews: Ayodeji Balogun (AFEX Commodities Exchange)2023-09-05T08:19:29+02:00

Podcast | Satu Santala


In our fourth segment, the Platform interviews Satu Santala, Associate Vice President of the External Relations and Governance Department at the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). Satu talks about what it takes to invest in and build #RESILIENCE in #FOODSYSTEMS.

Podcast | Satu Santala2024-03-04T12:29:28+01:00

Podcast | Willem Olthof & Conrad Rein


In our third segment, the Platform talks to Willem Olthof, Deputy Head, and Conrad Rein, Policy Officer, at the European Commission. Conrad is also a Co-Chair of the GDPRD.

Podcast | Willem Olthof & Conrad Rein2024-03-04T12:28:17+01:00