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Aid to agriculture, rural development and food security


The study, commissioned by the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development, analyzes development assistance to agriculture and rural development (ARD) and food security. By improving the understanding and handling of aid flows to ARD and food security, the study aims to contribute to strengthening transparency, accountability and the effectiveness of aid in this policy domain.

Aid to agriculture, rural development and food security2024-07-25T09:18:33+02:00

Global Donor Platform Annual Report 2010


The Platform’s contribution towards integrating the different approaches being used in agriculture and rural development in 2010 is the reason for the title of this report "Like minds, diverse strengths: Networking together". It outlines how the Platform helped different actors to interact and move towards a more coordinated approach to influencing agendas and tackling rural poverty.

Global Donor Platform Annual Report 20102024-07-26T16:12:45+02:00

Global Donor Platform Annual Report 2009


In 2009 the Platform proved that it is delivering on its promises: through information sharing and knowledge management, it supported its members and the entire agriculture and rural development community to better respond to the steadily rising demand of growing populations for agricultural products, including food, fibre and fuel.

Global Donor Platform Annual Report 20092024-07-26T15:34:12+02:00

Global Donor Platform Annual Report 2008


In 2008 the Platform advocated strongly for more effective and increased investment in agriculture and rural development (ARD) to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. The Third High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (HLF3), held in Accra, in September, was a key event for Platform advocacy.

Global Donor Platform Annual Report 20082024-07-26T16:05:45+02:00