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Innovation and technology for achieving resilient and inclusive rural transformation


This paper examines how shifts in innovation and technology can foster resilient, inclusive rural transformation, focusing on farming systems and value chains. It highlights opportunities for innovation to create rural jobs, improve smallholder livelihoods, combat malnutrition, and address climate impacts.

Innovation and technology for achieving resilient and inclusive rural transformation2025-03-03T11:04:40+01:00

Sharing Donor Experiences for SDG2: Interview with new member GAFSP


An interview with Natasha Hayward, The Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP), during the 2024 Annual General Assembly on “Financing Food Systems Transformation and Rural Revitalization: Opportunities and Challenges”. GAFSP joined the Donor Platform as a new member in November 2024.

Sharing Donor Experiences for SDG2: Interview with new member GAFSP2025-01-30T14:10:16+01:00

Meet Genna Tesdall, new Co-Chair of GDPRD’s Thematic Working Group on Rural Youth Employment


Genna Tesdall shares her vision for empowering youth through cross-sector collaboration. She discusses how the working group provides an ideal platform for this and highlights YPARD’s role in amplifying youth voices, promoting inclusive financing, and enhancing youth engagement in development programs.

Meet Genna Tesdall, new Co-Chair of GDPRD’s Thematic Working Group on Rural Youth Employment2025-02-03T10:56:28+01:00

Moving Forward Together: Interview with new member UNDP


An interview with Troels Mahieu-Sorensen, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), during the 2024 Annual General Assembly on “Financing Food Systems Transformation and Rural Revitalization: Opportunities and Challenges”. UNDP joined the Donor Platform as a new member in October 2024.

Moving Forward Together: Interview with new member UNDP2025-01-24T10:40:10+01:00