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Global Hunger Index 2018 – Increased Efforts and Innovative Approaches Needed to Achieve SDG2


The 2018 Global Hunger Index (GHI) reveals a disquieting gap between actual progress in combating hunger and malnutrition and those factors needed to address them and further alleviate human suffering. The GHI, jointly published by Concern Worldwide and Welthungerhilfe,

Global Hunger Index 2018 – Increased Efforts and Innovative Approaches Needed to Achieve SDG22022-08-30T13:12:53+02:00

OECD Report: Agriculture, Food and Jobs in West Africa


The food economy is the biggest employer in West Africa accounting for 66% of total employment. While the majority of food economy jobs are in agriculture, off-farm employment in food-related manufacturing and service activities is increasing as the food

OECD Report: Agriculture, Food and Jobs in West Africa2022-09-30T10:54:17+02:00

Characteristics of Successful Model for Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships to improve Land Governance in Developing Countries


Strategic alliances between business, government and civil society are a growing feature of both developed and emerging economies. Download Strategic alliances between business, government and civil society are

Characteristics of Successful Model for Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships to improve Land Governance in Developing Countries2022-08-26T10:38:26+02:00

Effective approaches to strengthen coherence across individual donor governments regarding responsible land governance


A study on strategies, approaches, and case studies in which bilateral donor agencies of developed countries have engaged successfully with the relevant agencies and departments across their own governments to drive a coherent approach toward improved land governance in

Effective approaches to strengthen coherence across individual donor governments regarding responsible land governance2022-08-26T10:21:21+02:00

Policies for effective rural transformation, agricultural and food system transition


Rome, Italy - 18 October 2016 The World Bank, FAO, IFAD and the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development invited to a side-event at the CFS named “Policies for Effective Rural Transformation, Agricultural and Food System Transition”. The participants

Policies for effective rural transformation, agricultural and food system transition2022-08-31T09:26:37+02:00