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Technical guide on the integration of the voluntary guidelines on the responsible governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests


The U.S. Government Global Food Security Strategy (2022–2026), which guides the Feed the Future Initiative, presents an integrated approach to combating the root causes of hunger, malnutrition, and poverty.

Technical guide on the integration of the voluntary guidelines on the responsible governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests2023-05-24T15:52:53+02:00

Community of Practice on Rural Employment


Practical Guidelines for Measuring Employment effects. The guidelines are designed as an interactive guide. They help to establish a results logic between (ongoing) project activities and related employment effects and also provide orientation on how to measure or estimate employment effects based on available data.

Community of Practice on Rural Employment2023-01-13T16:57:22+01:00

Measuring Employment Effects in Rural Development


Practical Guidelines for Measuring Employment effects. The guidelines are designed as an interactive guide. They help to establish a results logic between (ongoing) project activities and related employment effects and also provide orientation on how to measure or estimate employment effects based on available data.

Measuring Employment Effects in Rural Development2023-04-12T11:07:01+02:00

ILO Employment Policy Gateway


The Knowledge platform on country-level employment policies and youth employment strategies Links This platform – the only one of its kind – serves as a

ILO Employment Policy Gateway2023-04-12T11:05:27+02:00

African Youth Agripreneurs (AYA) Platform


The African Youth Agripreneurs (AYA) platform is an online community designed to enable networking, learning and sharing for individual young agripreneurs and rural youth organizations. It is is supported by FAO and was launched in August 2021 in collaboration

African Youth Agripreneurs (AYA) Platform2023-04-12T11:07:23+02:00

USAID – Land And Conflict: A Toolkit for Intervention 2.0


The purpose of this toolkit is to introduce readers to the complex relationship between land and violent conflict and to provide guidance on recommended approaches and actions to address some of the root causes of conflict. This understanding can

USAID – Land And Conflict: A Toolkit for Intervention 2.02022-10-31T18:44:23+01:00

FAO Project: Integrated Country Approach (ICA) for boosting decent jobs for youth in the agri-food system


Since 2011, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) implements the programme Integrated Country Approach (ICA) for boosting decent jobs for youth in the agri-food system. The programme assists countries in developing more youth-inclusive and employment-centred

FAO Project: Integrated Country Approach (ICA) for boosting decent jobs for youth in the agri-food system2022-09-01T11:11:18+02:00