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Creating opportunities for youth entrepreneurship – African Agribusiness Youth Strategy (AAYS) launched


In the face of multiple crises, COVID-19, climate change, conflicts, youth bulge, and now the war in Ukraine, which is severely impacting the food security in Africa, it is more than ever urgent to create decent employment and income

Creating opportunities for youth entrepreneurship – African Agribusiness Youth Strategy (AAYS) launched2022-11-09T10:27:18+01:00

IFPRI: Harmful Environmental Impacts of Agricultural Subsidies


14 DECEMBER 2022 | Virtual Links POLICY SEMINAR: Harmful Environmental Impacts of Agricultural SubsidiesCo-organized by IFPRI and The University of AdelaideAgricultural subsidies are high—and increasing—and are largely concentrated among relatively few

IFPRI: Harmful Environmental Impacts of Agricultural Subsidies2023-06-07T14:54:36+02:00

Key messages on what drives donor commitments when reshaping food systems financing in a crisis and post-crisis environment


From a virtual roundtable “Reshaping Food Systems Financing in a Crisis and Post-Crisis Environment: Driving Donors’ Commitments” on 29 September, 2022. Co-organized by the GDPRD with IFAD and the European Commission, in collaboration with the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub.

Key messages on what drives donor commitments when reshaping food systems financing in a crisis and post-crisis environment2024-03-11T15:25:51+01:00

2022 Borlaug Dialogue


GLOBAL | 18-20 OCTOBER 2022 | Hybrid Links This year’s theme, “Feeding a Fragile World,” focuses on overcoming pervasive shocks to the global food system. The triple threat

2022 Borlaug Dialogue2023-06-07T14:58:56+02:00