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Supporting Country-Level Food Systems Transformation Pathways: What Can Donors Do Differently?


A virtual round table that explored the actions donors can take to assist countries in their national pathways for food systems transformation. The event followed Chatham House rules and provided an open discussion on the opportunities and challenges for donors in helping to catalyse food systems change.

Supporting Country-Level Food Systems Transformation Pathways: What Can Donors Do Differently?2022-09-30T17:49:21+02:00

50×2030 Global Data Use Conference


The event is organized by the 50×2030 Data Use Component at the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), in collaboration with the other 50×2030 components at FAO and the World Bank, and the 50×2030 Secretariat also located within the World Bank.

50×2030 Global Data Use Conference2023-06-07T14:58:57+02:00

Independent Dialogue: African Youth as Drivers for Decent Job Creation in Sustainable Food Systems


On 30 June 2021, the Thematic Working Group (TWG) on Rural Youth Employment (RYE) organised an Independent Dialogue to the United Nation Food System Summit (UNFSS). The event was centred around two game-changing solutions proposed to the UNFSS by

Independent Dialogue: African Youth as Drivers for Decent Job Creation in Sustainable Food Systems2022-08-26T12:24:22+02:00

Towards More Inclusive Pathways of Structural Transformation for a Brighter Future of Work for Youth In Rural Areas (Webinar)


On 30 June 2021, the Thematic Working Group (TWG) on Rural Youth Employment (RYE) organised an Independent Dialogue to the United Nation Food System Summit (UNFSS). The event was centred around two game-changing solutions proposed to the UNFSS by

Towards More Inclusive Pathways of Structural Transformation for a Brighter Future of Work for Youth In Rural Areas (Webinar)2022-08-31T11:47:03+02:00

Creating Employment Opportunities for Rural Youth: Building on IFAD’s 2019 Rural Development Report


The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) organised a joint event on 21 October in Berlin to build on IFAD’s 2019 Rural Development Report - Creating employment opportunities

Creating Employment Opportunities for Rural Youth: Building on IFAD’s 2019 Rural Development Report2022-08-26T17:25:35+02:00

A Digital Council to Solve the World’s Food Problems


By 2050 we will have to feed more than two billion more people, and that with resources becoming scarcer. The Digitisation in agriculture has a high potential to overcome these enormous challenges and hence has arrived on the international agenda.

A Digital Council to Solve the World’s Food Problems2022-08-29T14:17:34+02:00

Rural Youth – A Theme Resonating Well at CFS46


The topic of rural youth was prominently featured this year at CFS 46 with a large number of youth delegates engaged in different side events and participating in different plenary sessions during the week.

Rural Youth – A Theme Resonating Well at CFS462022-09-26T10:49:51+02:00