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Brussels briefing – urban linkages in Africa


Brussels, Belgium - 22 March 2017 The 48th Brussels Policy Briefing covered several important issues, such as the way rural economies and farmers could partake in the use of opportunities created by the process of urbanisation. Another topic that

Brussels briefing – urban linkages in Africa2022-08-31T10:02:00+02:00

Migration and land tenure dynamics


Washington, D.C. - 23 March 2017 On 23 March 2017, the Global Donor Working Group on Land held a session at the World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty titled “Migration and land tenure dynamics – What are the

Migration and land tenure dynamics2022-08-31T09:57:46+02:00

ICTs importance for implementing the SDGs


Bonn, Germany - 15 Mar 2017 The UN Statistical Commission agreed on a draft resolution on the global indicator framework for the SDGs. ADB has launched last year a project to support national statistics offices in three countries -

ICTs importance for implementing the SDGs2022-08-31T09:55:30+02:00

AGA Brussels 2017


Agenda 2030 put into practice: what future for rural development? The added value of the Platform was again reasserted during this years AGA – providing an open space to discuss trends and challenges in international cooperation. Furthermore participants agreed

AGA Brussels 20172022-09-27T18:52:02+02:00

Evaluating the impact of land governance projects


Strengthening land governance and tenure security is rising on policy agendas. Governments all over the world, as well development agencies, financial institutions and others are investing significant resources in this area – an outlook on the Land Governance Programme

Evaluating the impact of land governance projects2022-08-31T09:32:02+02:00

Policies for effective rural transformation, agricultural and food system transition


Rome, Italy - 18 October 2016 The World Bank, FAO, IFAD and the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development invited to a side-event at the CFS named “Policies for Effective Rural Transformation, Agricultural and Food System Transition”. The participants

Policies for effective rural transformation, agricultural and food system transition2022-08-31T09:26:37+02:00