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Global Food Security Summit 2023


This year's Global Food Security Summit will focus international attention on the deepening global food security crisis and help boost efforts to achieve Zero Hunger and end malnutrition (SDG 2).

Global Food Security Summit 20232023-11-20T09:27:45+01:00

Annual General Assembly 2023


The 2023 Annual General Assembly took place on 26-27 October 2023, and coincided with the Donor Platform’s 20th anniversary, a milestone reflected in the theme “20 Years of rural development and aid effectiveness: Where are we now and where are we going?”.

Annual General Assembly 20232024-12-11T13:21:31+01:00

CFS 51 Side Event 03: Innovative approaches to sustainable finance for food systems transformation


This official side event of the 51st plenary session of the Committee on World Food Security provides insight from donors on ways to make their funding more impactful and catalytic as well as new sources of funding. Co-organized by the GDPRD, the Shamba Centre for Food & Climate, UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, Western Cape Department of Agriculture - South Africa and World Food Programme.

CFS 51 Side Event 03: Innovative approaches to sustainable finance for food systems transformation2024-12-11T13:30:24+01:00

CFS 51 Side event – Nature based solutions and decent employment for equitable and inclusive agri-food systems


FAO’s Inclusive Rural Transformation and Gender Equality Division is co-organizing a side event for the upcoming CFS 51 in collaboration with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) on ‘Nature based Solutions and Decent Rural Employment in Agrifood Systems’ on Wednesday 25 October.

CFS 51 Side event – Nature based solutions and decent employment for equitable and inclusive agri-food systems2024-03-11T13:46:09+01:00

2023 ILO Rural Development Academy


The 2023 edition of the ILO Rural Development Academy. This training and learning event will be held in blended modality with an on-line phase from 13 to 24 November and a face-to-face phase from 4 to 8 December 2023 in the ITC, Turin, Italy.

2023 ILO Rural Development Academy2023-10-03T12:32:09+02:00