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Key messages on what drives donor commitments when reshaping food systems financing in a crisis and post-crisis environment


From a virtual roundtable “Reshaping Food Systems Financing in a Crisis and Post-Crisis Environment: Driving Donors’ Commitments” on 29 September, 2022. Co-organized by the GDPRD with IFAD and the European Commission, in collaboration with the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub.

Key messages on what drives donor commitments when reshaping food systems financing in a crisis and post-crisis environment2024-03-11T15:25:51+01:00

2022 Borlaug Dialogue


GLOBAL | 18-20 OCTOBER 2022 | Hybrid Links This year’s theme, “Feeding a Fragile World,” focuses on overcoming pervasive shocks to the global food system. The triple threat

2022 Borlaug Dialogue2023-06-07T14:58:56+02:00

Finance in Common Summit 2022


GLOBAL | 18-20 OCTOBER 2022 | Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire/Hybrid Links The 3rd edition of the Finance in Common Summit  (FiCS) will be co-organized by the African Development Bank

Finance in Common Summit 20222023-06-07T14:58:58+02:00

IMF and World Bank Meetings


GLOBAL | 10. – 16. OCTOBER 2022 | IMF-WBG HQ - WASHINGTON, DC Links The 2022 Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank

IMF and World Bank Meetings2023-06-07T14:58:58+02:00