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Latest News

Creating opportunities for youth entrepreneurship – African Agribusiness Youth Strategy (AAYS) launched


In the face of multiple crises, COVID-19, climate change, conflicts, youth bulge, and now the war in Ukraine, which is severely impacting the food security in Africa, it is more than ever urgent to create decent employment and income

Creating opportunities for youth entrepreneurship – African Agribusiness Youth Strategy (AAYS) launched2022-11-09T10:27:18+01:00

Key messages on what drives donor commitments when reshaping food systems financing in a crisis and post-crisis environment


From a virtual roundtable “Reshaping Food Systems Financing in a Crisis and Post-Crisis Environment: Driving Donors’ Commitments” on 29 September, 2022. Co-organized by the GDPRD with IFAD and the European Commission, in collaboration with the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub.

Key messages on what drives donor commitments when reshaping food systems financing in a crisis and post-crisis environment2024-03-11T15:25:51+01:00

Rapid Needs Assessment: Protecting Property Rights during and after the War in Ukraine


This needs assessment was conducted in July-September, 2022 based on the review of statistical and administrative reports, legal and normative acts, and interviews with key Government of Ukraine (GoU) authorities including the Ministry of Justice, State Geocadastre, the Ministry

Rapid Needs Assessment: Protecting Property Rights during and after the War in Ukraine2022-11-01T18:36:46+01:00

USAID – Additional $40 million to Sri Lanka to help farmers purchase fertilizer and other vital agricultural inputs


While in Sri Lanka on 10 September 2022, United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator Samantha Power announced an additional $40 million in development assistance to help farmers purchase fertilizer and other vital agricultural inputs.

USAID – Additional $40 million to Sri Lanka to help farmers purchase fertilizer and other vital agricultural inputs2022-11-01T18:32:05+01:00

Fit for Purpose: Presenting the SDC’s new structure


The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is aligning itself with the fields of action of modern international cooperation and is adopting a new structure as of 1 September 2022. The SDC is now divided into three geographical

Fit for Purpose: Presenting the SDC’s new structure2022-09-19T09:43:28+02:00