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Latest News

Green Jobs for Rural Youth in Agri-Food Systems


The Thematic Working Group on Rural Youth Employment (TWG RYE) has recently been exploring the topic of green jobs for youth. This ongoing conversation led to a webinar “Green Jobs for Rural Youth in Agri-food Systems”, which took place on

Green Jobs for Rural Youth in Agri-Food Systems2022-09-05T18:42:06+02:00

A New Consensus With Small-Scale Food Producers


Links Over the last few months, the SDG2 Advocacy Hub has been working with partners to explore how a new consensus, crafted and signed by smallholder farmers organizations, civil society, governments and

A New Consensus With Small-Scale Food Producers2022-10-04T14:41:21+02:00

The Global Donor Working Group on Land Celebrates the Ten Year Anniversary of the CFS VGGT


The Global Donor Working Group on Land joins in the commemorations by sharing short testimonies from their Chair, Vice-Chair and members, on what The Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests (VGGT) have

The Global Donor Working Group on Land Celebrates the Ten Year Anniversary of the CFS VGGT2022-09-26T11:16:50+02:00

CFS Process on Youth Engagement and Employment


Links Throughout 2022, the Thematic Working Group on Rural Youth Employment (TWG RYE) will be following the policy convergence process towards the development of policy recommendations in the Committee of World Food

CFS Process on Youth Engagement and Employment2022-10-04T14:42:53+02:00

OECD: ODA Levels in 2021- Preliminary data Detailed Summary Note


The global environment for official development assistance (ODA) to agriculture remains a challenge. Data indicate that ODA from OECD Development Assistance Committee countries increased in real terms to reach an all-time high in 2021, with indications of a growing share of funding provided through multilateral channels.

OECD: ODA Levels in 2021- Preliminary data Detailed Summary Note2022-10-27T15:06:39+02:00

Policy Brief: Achieving the G7 Elmau Commitment in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Climate Change


This Ceres 2030 paper provides policy options for what the G7 can do based on the evidence and research consensus on how much and what action to take—and where to take it—to achieve the Elmau commitment by 2030, while

Policy Brief: Achieving the G7 Elmau Commitment in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Climate Change2022-09-23T11:51:43+02:00