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Latest News

The Importance of Ukraine and the Russian Federation for Global Agricultural Markets and the Risks Associated with the Current Conflict


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Information Note Links The Russian Federation and Ukraine are among the most important producers of agricultural commodities in the

The Importance of Ukraine and the Russian Federation for Global Agricultural Markets and the Risks Associated with the Current Conflict2022-10-04T14:47:54+02:00

Italian Agency for Development Cooperations (AICS) – Three-Year Programming Document (2021-2023)


The global crisis generated by the Covid-19 pandemic is hindering progress towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly in those critical areas where – as shown by the United Nations’ 2020 report on the SDGs – progress

Italian Agency for Development Cooperations (AICS) – Three-Year Programming Document (2021-2023)2022-10-10T09:23:51+02:00

Canada, Next Policy Framework (NPF, 2023-2028)


The Next Policy Framework (NPF) is a five-year (2023–2028) investment by federal, provincial and territorial (FPT) governments to strengthen and grow Canada's agriculture and agri-food sector. It will replace the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP), which ends March 31, 2023.

Canada, Next Policy Framework (NPF, 2023-2028)2022-08-31T11:49:58+02:00

Mining and the Green Energy Transition


USAID Report on Mining Highlights the Role of Land in the Transition to Green Energy Links A new report by USAID, “Mining and the Green Energy Transition”, emphasizes

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Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship in Sustainable Agri-Food System Transformation in Africa (Seminar)


The Thematic Working Group of Rural Youth Employment member GIZ (Global Project on Rural Employment with a Focus on Youth) in partnership with the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), organized a session on “Youth Employment and

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Putting Land High on the International Development Agenda: Developing the State of Land Tenure and Governance Report


Led by the Global Donor Working Group on Land (GDWGL) report working group and together with key stakeholders, a virtual workshop was organized at the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development (GDPRD) on the development of the State of Land

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