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Videos that are uploaded to the YouTube channel

Feeding the future: Policy pathways to resilient food systems


Interview with Lee Ann Jackson, Head of the Agro-Food Trade and Markets Division at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). She provides an overview of the OECD’s role in providing data and policy recommendations to governments for informed decisions. Food systems and agricultural trade are an important focus of her work.

Feeding the future: Policy pathways to resilient food systems2024-05-24T15:00:14+02:00

Interview Series on Donor Coordination: Juan Echanove, CARE International


How can coordination of donor investments and collaboration be improved, particularly at the country level? What are some good practices on donor cooperation for food systems and rural development? This interview series explores some of the thinking behind these questions. Juan Echanove is the Associate Vice-President, Food and Water Systems at CARE.

Interview Series on Donor Coordination: Juan Echanove, CARE International2024-05-29T11:48:32+02:00

Interview Series on Donor Coordination: Iris Krebber, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), UK


There has never been a greater need for coordinated donor investments and collaboration that align with the needs and priorities of partner countries. This interview series explores some of the thinking behind these challenges, and took place alongside the GDPRD's workstream on donor coordination.

Interview Series on Donor Coordination: Iris Krebber, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), UK2024-02-09T15:21:33+01:00

Innovative and proven approaches to amplifying donor funding for agricultural development


Andrea Zinn is the Director of the Council on Smallholder Agricultural Finance (CSAF) and the Senior Manager of Aceli Americas, providing advisory on adapting the Aceli Africa incentive model to mobilize private capital to agri-SMEs in Latin America. This interview is an opportunity for speakers from the 2023 Annual General Assembly to reflect on two decades of rural development and aid effectiveness.

Innovative and proven approaches to amplifying donor funding for agricultural development2024-03-01T14:12:19+01:00

Navigating challenges in climate, conflict, and food security


Sophia Murphy is a food systems and international economy expert with 30 years of professional experience. She is currently the Executive Director of the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP). This interview is an opportunity for speakers from the 2023 Annual General Assembly to reflect on two decades of rural development and aid effectiveness.

Navigating challenges in climate, conflict, and food security2024-03-12T16:25:17+01:00

The future of AI in food systems


Jaron Porciello is Co-Director of Hesat2030, Associate Professor at the University of Notre Dame. and a close partner of the Donor Platform. Jaron shares her insights on the present and future of artificial intelligence in rural development.

The future of AI in food systems2024-02-09T15:35:14+01:00

In an era of ‘fake’, good data is even more critical


Jo Puri is the Associate Vice-President of Strategy and Knowledge Department at IFAD and a close partner of the Donor Platform. Jo shares her vast experience and insight on all things data and how standard use of good data could be the game-changer in transforming food systems.

In an era of ‘fake’, good data is even more critical2024-02-09T15:33:30+01:00

Building resilience to safeguard our most vulnerable


Nikita Eriksen-Hamel is the Deputy Director of Agriculture and Food Systems for Global Affairs Canada, and a long-time member of the Donor Platform. He provides an overview of Canada’s development priorities as well as concrete examples of donor coordination at global and national levels.

Building resilience to safeguard our most vulnerable2024-02-09T15:43:52+01:00