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Videos that are uploaded to the YouTube channel

A conversation with Wilma van Esch, GDPRD Board Member


Why partnerships and national pathways are key to transforming food systems in times of crisis: Wilma shares her insight on why development partnerships at country levels are even more essential in times of crisis to achieve a viable and

A conversation with Wilma van Esch, GDPRD Board Member2023-09-05T08:27:03+02:00

A Conversation with Iris Krebber, GDPRD Board Member


In this interview, Iris pinpoints the important role of clear communications in food systems transformation and how this translates into having the right information to help make better decisions. She shares her optimism in our younger generation to

A Conversation with Iris Krebber, GDPRD Board Member2023-09-05T08:27:49+02:00

A Conversation with Martin Bwalya, AUDA/NEPAD


Martin Bwalya spoke with Jim Woodhill about the UN Food Systems Summit (UN FSS) and the catalytic role of finance in transforming food systems. Martin provided insights on how the Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Programme (CAADP) worked to coordinate a common position for African countries towards the Summit.

A Conversation with Martin Bwalya, AUDA/NEPAD2023-09-05T08:28:31+02:00