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2022 Annual General Assembly


The 2022 Annual General Assembly (AGA) was entirely dedicated to “Implementing National Pathways for Food Systems Transformation to Accelerate Progress Towards the SDGs in Times of Crisis and Conflict”. The 2022 AGA was successfully held at IFAD headquarters and on Zoom in a truly hybrid format, after last year’s cancellation due to the pandemic.

The Platform continues to work with the donor community and other key actors to help facilitate coordination and investments across an integrated set of pathways for action. From the sessions at the AGA, support for food systems coalitions, national pathways and other initiatives that have emerged from the 2021 United Nations Food Systems Summit (FSS) process remains crucial, with a focus on how these initiatives can accelerate and scale up change at local and national levels. The 2022 AGA has taken the FSS outcomes into account, contextualizing the need to accelerate progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – and in particular SDG2, zero hunger – through the strengthening of national pathways and national-level coordination of actions and agricultural and rural development strategies.

The meeting report “Working together to transform food systems” captures the highlights from the action-packed two days through quotes, key messages, brief summaries and photos. Topics central to food systems transformation and rural development discussed included country-level coordination, data for decision-making, rural youth employment and land governance.

AGA 2022 sessions



Full Day Recordings

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