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AGA 2018 – Day 2


“Young and ready to move – empowering the new generation in the rural space”

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The Global Donor Platform for Rural Development organised its AGA 2018 with the support of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the African Development Bank (AfDB). The title of the event hints on hot policy areas for donors these days – “Young and ready to move – empowering the new generation in the rural space”.

The background to the thematic discussions was the Rural Youth Employment Initiative, to which governments and heads of states voted on at the G20 summit in 2017. This historic vote signalled a clear political commitment of the international community to improve the efforts to empower youth in rural areas.

Connecting the dots: employment, youth empowerment and development effectiveness in the rural space

The tone of the thematic discussions of the second day was set by the keynote speech about “Strategic Framing of Youth Empowerment – What is needed in the future?”

The links between the future of agriculture, the transformation of rural areas and the commitment of the donor and development community to enable young people to live a decent and meaningful life were the focus of the two-panel discussions during the high-level forum. First, the focus was on the young farmers and the decent rural employment.

The final panel discussion focused on increasing development effectiveness of donor/IFI programmes and strategies to better support rural youth.

The agenda of the second day also included the Members’ Session, which as tradition has it, provides space for the platform’s members to learn through exchange with each other, to reflect on and strengthen the Donor Platform as a community, build partnerships and devise concrete actions to reach the goals of the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development.


Panel Discussion: Young Farmers and Decent Rural Employment

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Insights into the main strategies and trends of the Platform members in view of scaling up economic empowerment of rural youth.

Panel Discussion: Enhanced Development Effectiveness for Youth Inclusion

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Panelists debate how to increase development effectiveness of donor / IFI programmes and strategies to better support rural youth.