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AGA 2020 – High-Level Session


“Transforming food systems: Implications for coordination and financing”

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Opening Remarks

Head, Food and Nutrition Security, The Netherlands, and Global Donor Platform for Rural Development, Co-chair

United Nations Secretary-Generalโ€™s Special Envoy on the Food Systems Summit

President and CEO, CARE U.S.A.

Associate Vice-President, External Relations and Governance Department, International Fund for Agricultural Development


President, Foods & Refreshment, Unilever

Head of Natural Resources Governance, Food Security and Nutrition, New Partnership for Africaโ€™s Development (NEPAD)

Director, Planet and Prosperity (DEVCO.C), Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development, European Commission (EC)

ย Director-General, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Head of the Human Development Department, Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, France

Global Director, Agriculture and Food Global Practice, The World Bank


Jim Woodhill

Director, AgriFoodNexus Consulting, and Honorary Research Associate,
Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford

The high-level event, Transforming food systems: Implications for coordination and financing, introduced the upcoming Food Systems Summit and raised key issues related to the Action Tracks, and explored their implications for donors.


The objective of the high-level event was to explore the processes, coordination and financing needed from local to global levels to bring about a sustainable, equitable and resilient transformation of food systems, and to assess the future roles of donors.

The high-level event focused on critical questions related to the supporting, coordination and financing roles of the donor community, for instance:

  • What processes at local, national, regional and global levels are needed to bring about transformation, and what are the implications for donors?

  • Is there something fundamentally different that needs to happen to achieve a food system transformation? (What is working well, what is not and what are the gaps?)

  • Is funding within the global food system architecture directed in the right way across areas such as: national and regional research; national dialogue and policy innovation/coordination; incentive structures; catalysing investment; private sector engagement/partnerships; regional and global platforms; integration of nutrition, agriculture, rural development, climate change, environment etc.; social protection.

  • What is the role of different stakeholders in food systems transformation?

  • What role can donors play to support this transformation and how does it align or vary with current investments?

  • What could be the niche and value add of the GDPRD in supporting food systems transformation?


More AGA 2020 Sessions