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Assessing the Data ‘Quantum’ Leap in Agriculture and Food Systems: Consultations for New Strategic Directions

Monday 13 February 2023 | 12:00-18:30 CET | IFAD HQ, ROME, ITALY and on ZOOM

For more information, contact the GDPRD Secretariat

With the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by UN member states, there has been remarkable increase in global and regional initiatives to measure and track SDG indicators. This has been possible with extensive support from the donor community.

After almost a decade on, this event brings together the donor community to take stock of current data initiatives on agriculture and food security, and inform strategic decisions on funding such data initiatives with a view to making these more impactful.

This event will bring together donors and data stakeholders and provide an opportunity for:

  • Data initiatives to be presented and discussed what has been achieved, the challenges faced and solutions proposed.

  • Donors to be briefed on several key existing data initiatives to inform their future investments in the data arena, in line with their current investment strategies and goals.

  • Establishing synergies and improving collaboration and coordination among implementing organizations.

  • Broader discussions on innovations in data production and data use for decision-making.

The event is designed as a one day by-invitation programme with around 30 participants. Representatives from the donor community and data organizations will be invited. Around 10 representatives from the Rome-based diplomatic community will be invited to share the perspective of users and beneficiaries of data.

Event findings and deliberations will be showcased to the public, providing visibility to the data-related initiatives the donor community has invested in.

Provisional Agenda
12:00–13:30 High-level plenary: Assessing the ‘quantum leap’
13:30–14:45 Lunch break
14:45–16:15 Parallel breakout sessions
16:45–17:20 Reporting back from breakout sessions
17:20–18:30 Final reflections
18:30 Aperitif, hosted by the GPSDD

This event is jointly organized by the European Commission, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development (GDPRD) and the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data (GPSDD)

Photo: ©IFAD/Bernard Kalu