25-27 February 2025 | Rome, Italy

UN CBD COP 16 to reconvene at UN Food and Agriculture Organization Headquarters to seek consensus on Cali’s important unfinished business, including resource mobilization, financial mechanism, and KMGBF monitoring and planning.
The meetings will build on the outcomes of the COP16 event in Cali, Colombia last year and will finalize the proceedings. In focus are decisions on:
- Agreeing a strategy for Mobilizing Financial Resources for Biodiversity to meet the funding target of $200 billion annually by 2030, and the strategic target to reduce harmful incentives by at least $500 billion per year by 2030.
- Establishing a Monitoring Framework, refining monitoring tools to measure progress against the 23 targets in the Kunming-Montreal Biodiversity Framework (KMBF).
- Setting up a Planning, Monitoring, Reporting, and Review (PMRR) Mechanism to determine how progress toward KMGBF implementation will be reviewed at COP 17, as well as finalizing the national reporting template.
- Developing a Financial Mechanism to endorse the achievements of the GEF, encourage further contributions to the GBFF, and provide additional guidance to the GEF in light of its upcoming replenishment negotiations.
- Also on the agenda: decisions on cooperation with other conventions and international organizations, CBD’s multi-year programme of work, and the adoption of final reports from COP 16, COPMOP 11 (Cartagena Protocol), and COPMOP 5 (Nagoya Protocol).