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CGIAR Inaugural Science Week

CGIAR Science Week | 07 April 2025 | Hybrid | Nairobi, Kenya

When humanity faced its greatest challenges, science and innovation provided solutions. Today, major global challenges such as climate change, gender and social inequalities, poor-quality diets, rural poverty, environmental degradation, and other issues stemming from fragility, conflict, and violence, threaten the sustainability of food, land, and water systems, leaving the most vulnerable people and communities at greatest risk.

Recognizing the urgency of these challenges, CGIAR and the Kenyan Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) areย bringing together the worldโ€™s leading scientists and decision-makers in agriculture, climate, and health for the very first CGIAR Science Week. This inaugural event will create a unique platform for experts to collaborate and share insights across these fields, a critical effort at a time when the new CGIAR research Portfolio is being shaped to address the biggest challenges and opportunities of our time. This gathering will be a key moment to advance research and innovation, inspire action, and establish critical partnerships that can secure investment in sustainable food systems to nourish both people and the planet.

Drawing on CGIAR science and partnerships from around the world, theย inaugural CGIAR Science Weekย will engage the community of global leaders in research, policy, and development working for a food, nutrition, and climate secure future in active dialogue duringย plenary sessionsย focused on harnessing and scaling science and innovation. Participants will learn aboutย  GIAR's new 2025โ€“2030 science research portfolio throughย dedicated Parallel Sessions on Science Programs & Accelerators, and discover cutting-edge science from CGIAR centers worldwide throughย Science Talks,ย Innovation Showcases, andย Research Workshops. The event also offers the chance to see, first-hand, transformative innovations improving the lives of vulnerable communities in ourย Exhibition Areaย and to explore CGIAR and partner labs and research stations duringย Field Visitsย to see science in action.


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