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COVID-19 & Global Food Security: 2 Years Later

GLOBAL | 7 MARCH 2022, 09:30–11:00 | VIRTUAL EST

Book launch: COVID-19 & Global Food Security: 2 Years Later

This e-book builds upon the lessons presented in the earlier volume, COVID-19 & Global Food Security (2020) that documented the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic as of mid-2020, particularly the disruptions to livelihoods and the food and nutrition security of billions of people. Early in the pandemic, many hoped that COVID-19 could be controlled and even eliminated through a short-term response phase and that attention could subsequently be shifted to recovery and resilience building. Instead, COVID-19 and its disruptions have persisted and evolved, with new waves of infections and deaths and ongoing impacts, particularly among poor and vulnerable populations.

It is organized in four sections: food security and poverty; agricultural production and value chains; nutrition, health, and social programs; and policy responses and implications. Each section includes two types of contributions. The first are new syntheses of lessons on key topics such as country impacts, food price changes, value chain fractures, social protection case studies, and fiscal and monetary responses and policy recommendations. The second are new or updated blogs from the IFPRI COVID-19 series.

Join the e-book launch where presenters will share lessons learned and key issues to consider looking forward.

Book Overview John McDermott, Former Director, CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH), IFPRI

Rapid Fires

Neha Kumar, Senior Research Fellow, IFPRI

Thomas Reardon, University Distinguished Professor, Michigan State University & Non-Resident Senior Research Fellow, IFPRI

James Thurlow, Senior Research Fellow, IFPRI


Sudha Narayanan, Research Fellow, IFPRI

Jemimah Njuki, Chief, Women’s Economic Empowerment, UN Women

Valeria Piñeiro, Senior Research Coordinator, IFPRI

Donor Reflections

Chris Hillbruner, Division Chief, Analysis and Learning Office of Policy, Analysis, and Engagement Bureau for Resilience and Food Security, United States Agency for International Development (USAID) (tbc)

Next Steps

Johan Swinnen, Global Director, CGIAR Systems Transformation Science Group & Director General, IFPRI


Charlotte Hebebrand, Director of Communications and Public Affairs, IFPRI



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