29 NOVEMBER 2022 | 8:00-15:00 EST | Virtual

Impact evaluations of land governance interventions have shown to be a critical tool for the design of more effective policy and interventions to improve tenure security and strengthen land governance. Evaluation findings have provided evidence and understanding of the effective pathways to address complex land governance challenges more effectively.
In this process, important methodological lessons are being learned also on evaluation design, sampling, exposure periods, triangulation of data and leveraging of remote sensing, administrative data and wives surveys.
Please save the date for a technical workshop on land evaluation methodologies, lessons learned and new opportunities hosted by the Global Donor Working Group on Land, the Millennium Challenge Corporation, USAID, the World Bank, and New America.
A detailed agenda and additional information is forthcoming. Please feel free to share the registration link with your colleagues. For more information, please contact jlisher@worldbank.org or thilhorst@worldbank.org.
This event is supported by the USAID Integrated Natural Resource Management project.