High-Level Commemoration of CFS VGGT 10-year Anniversary
As part of the 10th anniversary commemoration of The Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the context of National Food Security (CFS VGGT), CFS and FAO’s land tenure unit are jointly organizing a high-level event on Friday, 27 May 2022, 12:30 – 14:30 CET to assess lessons learned over the past ten years; remind policy makers and stakeholders of the potential these guidelines hold; and to re-confirm political and financial commitments to accelerate their further implementation.
The event will take place in a hybrid format. Physical presence will be allowed for a maximum of 104 people in the Green Room at FAO HQs. All other participants will join virtually via Zoom webinar.
If you wish to join in person please send an email to CFS@FAO.ORG indicating your name and affiliation by Monday 23 May COB. A maximum of two seats per delegation will be accommodated.
Seating will be apportioned on a first-come, first-served basis. Should requests for in person participation exceed the maximum capacity number for the Green Room, priority will be given to heads of delegations.