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IFPRI: Supporting and shaping the global nutrition agenda with evidence

IFPRI HQ (Washington DC), Hybrid Event, 30 Oct 2024

The annual lecture, delivered by Dr. Marie Ruel, Senior Research Fellow in the Nutrition, Diets, and Health Unit at IFPRI, will reflect on the role of research in supporting and shaping the evolution of the global nutrition agenda over the last three decades.

The discussion will:

  • Present the case for how investments in rigorous research and partnerships with development actors around the world have supported this evolution;
  • Highlight the importance of evidence in shaping agendas for maternal and child nutrition and nutrition-sensitive programming, and in positioning nutrition and healthy diets within agriculture and food systems;
  • Focus on the role of researchers in sustaining and guiding major global development trends; and
  • Discuss implications for investments in research and their critical importance in supporting effective action to solve the malnutrition crisis that the world continues to face today.



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