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Integrated Country Approach (ICA) for boosting decent jobs for youth in the agrifood system


With the current phase of the Integrated Country Approach (ICA) programme for boosting decent jobs for youth in the agrifood system programme reaching its closure, the objective of the webinar is to share achievements, best practices, and lessons learned with a broad audience of development practitioners, partners, youth organizations, and FAO colleagues.

The webinar will be a 2,5 hour event and will be held online. Interpretation in English, Spanish and French will be provided. The conversation will be structured around 3 brief sessions covering the following thematic areas:

  • Youth-inclusive policy development

  • Digital engagement & inclusivity

  • Skills development, agribusiness support and access to finance

During each session, ICA international and national staff, partners (including youth organizations), and beneficiaries from different target countries will talk about relevant ICA approaches or pilot models, and share their personal experiences.


There are more young people on our planet today than ever before. The worldโ€™s youth (15-24 years old) have reached the unprecedented figure of 1.2 billion, accounting for 16 percent of the worldโ€™s population. Approximately 85 percent of them live in Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean, mostly in rural areas.

Since 2011, FAO has been implementing the ICA programme to assist countries in developing inclusive agrifood policies, strategies and programmes for the promotion of youth employment. Strong emphasis is placed on job creation and entrepreneurship development, but also on the quality of jobs in the agrifood sector. The programme has been implemented in three phases (2011โ€“2014, 2015โ€“2018, and 2019โ€“2023), mainly funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). The current phase is ongoing in Guatemala, Senegal, Uganda, Kenya, and Rwanda.

Tentative agenda (Rome time)

2.15pm โ€“ 2.30pm Opening remarks
2.30pm โ€“ 2.35pm What is ICA?
2.35pm โ€“ 3.15pm Panel 1: Youth-inclusive policy development
3.15pm โ€“ 3.55pm Panel 2: Digital engagement & inclusivity
3.55pm โ€“ 4.35pm Panel 3: Skills development, agribusiness support and access to finance
4.35pm โ€“ 4.45pm Next steps and way forward

