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Launch of the 2024 Prindex Report Report on global tenure security and property rights

22 October | 17:00-18:00 | Hybrid: Zoom and Rome, Italy

On 22 October 17:00-18:00, the European Commission Land Data Partnership, convened by the International Land Coalition (ILC), will launch the latest Prindex Report. The report is based on land and housing tenure security data from 108 countries, and found that 1.1 billion adults feel insecure about their tenure security. This is the first comprehensive global study tracking tenure insecurity over time, and the findings show the world is drifting further away from the 2030 goal of securing equal rights to land and housing for all.

The European Commission Land Data Partnership is coordinated by International Land Coalition and includes the Land Portal Foundation, the Land Matrix Initiative, and Prindex. The partnership aims to strengthen the central role of data in securing equitable land rights for sustainable development, poverty eradication, peace and the protection of human rights.

The event will launch the report and facilitate a Q&A discussion with partnership members, and will be organized as a hybrid event across Zoom and IFAD. Register here for the event.



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