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IFAD Governing Council: 48th Session

| 12 February 2025 | Hybrid | Rome, Italy

12-13 February 2025 | Rome, Italy

The forty-eighth session of the Governing Council of IFAD (GC48) takes place over two days. The first day, Wednesday, 12 February, is the High-level Segment of the Governing Council with Leaders’ Dialogues, while the second day, Thursday, 13 February, is focused on governance matters.

  • The High-level segment features keynote addresses, a Centre Stage Event and Leaders’ Dialogues with special high-level guests.
  • The Governance and partnerships segment includes a forward-looking focus on IFAD, including business items, the annual Governors’ Round Table, Governors’ Dialogues and other events that celebrate the power of partnerships.

The overarching theme of the Governing Council is “Catalysing Investment at the 1st Mile”. Spanning five regions and 92 countries of investment, IFAD focuses on those who are otherwise left behind: marginalized and vulnerable people living in rural areas. What has often been called “the last mile”, IFAD considers to be the first mile. It is here – in rural areas – that small-scale farmers grow the food that nourishes both their communities and the rest of the world. It is in rural areas that the impact of climate change, of natural disasters and of limited opportunities especially for the young, and the impetus for economic migration are deepest.

The forty-eighth session of the Governing Council meets at a pivotal juncture. It marks the first year of the Thirteenth Replenishment of IFAD’s Resources (IFAD13). Over the course of two days, the Governing Council will explore the importance of IFAD’s work at the first mile to assemble finance, strengthen and influence pro-poor policies; to leverage partnerships in support of rural livelihoods and prosperity; and to build resilience to the root causes of fragility – including the impact of conflict, climate change and natural disasters.

With only six harvest seasons left until 2030, the time to invest in the first mile is now.


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